Boost Your Productivity With These 87 Useful and Quick 5-Minute Tasks
Do you have a million tasks to do in a day, and you’re struggling to find even 5 minutes to do them?
Well, have you taken a step back to look at your to-do list, and notice that some of the tasks don’t take much time at all?
Just today, I did 2 things on my list that I had been putting off for the longest time, but they took just 5 minutes to complete!
Why did I ever wait so long to do them?
Honestly, I probably spent longer than 5 minutes just thinking about these tasks every day and coming up with reasons why I don’t want to do them. It’s definitely easier just to do get them done!
We all have plenty of reasons to avoid doing some things, usually because we have more pressing things to handle, but these excuses are dangerous.
There are so many pockets of time during the day that can be used effectively to tackle small tasks.
For example, I often find myself waiting on my kids when they take their own sweet time to eat, or put on their shoes. There’s also times when I’m early for an appointment, or just waiting for the water to boil for the pasta.
Instead of doing nothing with that time, why not make better use of the time to get back on track and check something off your list?
Today, I’ve created a few lists with some useful and quick tasks that you can easily tackle in just 5 minutes or less.
Sounds nice? Yes, they are totally doable! And they will make your day more productive.
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5-Minute Cleaning Tasks That You Can Easily Tackle
- Load the dishwasher with dirty dishes. Don’t wait till you have a pile to do it.
- Empty the dishwasher
- Take inventory of the pantry or fridge
- Throw away expired food items. There will always be something buried at the back of the fridge for who knows how long!
- Replace water filters in your Brita filter
- Organize your spice shelf
- Sweep the floor
- Take out the trash
- Clear the dining room table and do a quick wipe-down
- Clean the microwave. You know as well as I do that the microwave is often neglected.
- Clean the kitchen sink. I love the Bar Keepers Friend to clean my sink and stovetop.
- Wipe down the kitchen counter
- Wash lunch bags
- Pick up toys from the floor and put them in bins
- Vacuum one room. Pick up the vacuum and just do it. It will be quick.
- Wipe dusts off dirty surfaces
- Pickup dirty clothes from the floor and put them into the laundry basket
- Change your bedsheets
- Make the bed, or just straighten up the pillows and blankets.
- Clean the bathroom sink or toilet. Just clean one thing, and clean the other another time.
- Replace hand towels with fresh ones
- Replenish shampoo or toothpaste supplies
- Wipe down the bathroom mirrors
- Put on a load of laundry
- Take out washed laundry and transfer the clothes to the dryer
- Clean out your purse and throw away the old receipts accumulating in there
- Clean our your kid’s backpack. You’ll be surprised at what you find inside
- Walk around the house with a plastic bag and pick up random things that you can throw out. If it hasn’t been used for more than a few months, chances are, you won’t miss it either.
- Disinfect doorknobs or light switches with disinfecting wipes. This is so important if you have sickness in the house.
5-minute Tasks For Work To Make Your Day More Productive
- Organize folders on the desk
- Organize or delete files from desktop
- Replenish paper or pen supplies
- Wipe down dirty keyboard or mouse
- Delete spam emails that don’t require any action
- Respond to quick messages
- Draft a quick email
- Unsubscribe from newsletters that you don’t read anymore
- Return a quick phone call
- Empty the trash can
- Clean out your junk drawer
- Go through business cards and throw out the ones that you don’t need
- Delete unnecessary apps from your phone
- Back up your devices. You never know how important the files are until you lose them.
- Plan your to-do-list for the next day. Know how your day will go before you even begin it.
5-minutes Blogging Tasks That You Can Do On The Fly
- Create a Pinterest image
- Schedule 5 pins using Tailwind
- Comment on a blog post
- Approve comments on your blog
- Check your Google Analytics
- Think of your next blog post idea
- Promote your blogpost on Facebook
- Post on your Instagram or Twitter
5-Minute Breaks
- Put on happy music and dance a little
- Make a cup of tea and enjoy
- Open the window for some fresh air
- If you have a garden, take a quick walk outside. Walk on grass barefoot.
- Have a quick healthy snack
- Drink a glass of water
- Fill up your water bottle if it’s running low
- Do jumping jacks
- Stretch your body at your desk
- Do a quick body check. Are you too cold or hot? Do you need a sweater?
- Water the plants
- Watch a quick video on youtube
5-Minute Organizational Tasks
- Make a meal plan for the week
- Make a grocery list
- Make the doctor or dentist appointment that you’ve been meaning to schedule
- Check your bank account
- Pay bills online
- Go through your mail, recycle junk mail, and place the important bills at one side to handle another time.
- Pick out your outfit for the next day
- Prepare the coffeemaker for the next day
- Set alarms for tasks
5-Minute Self-Care Ideas – Self-care is important!
- Meditate
- Wash your face
- Have a cup of tea or coffee
- Read a chapter in your favorite book
- Apply hand and foot cream
- Burn a candle
- Add a few drops of essential oil to your diffuser
- Write a few words in your journal
- Practice mindfulness and focus on breathing
- Do something that you like, like doodling or drawing.
- Give yourself a quick manicure or pedicure
- Do low impact exercises like lunges or squats
- Take deep breaths. Like really long deep breaths.
- Hug your kids
Other related post: 27 Easy Ways To Pamper Yourself Without Feeling The Guilt
If we allow ourselves to think that these tasks take only 5 minutes to complete, we will be more motivated and inclined to do them.
So next time when you have 5 minutes to spare, do one of the suggested tasks above and hack your productivity. Join me on this mission for busy people to find more time to accomplish more everyday!
Just remember, the more 5-minute tasks that you do now, the less work you will have to deal with later. Don’t underestimate the power of small pockets of time.
What are some quick tasks that you do around the house when you have 5 minutes? Leave a comment below. I would love to hear your ideas!
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