So it’s time for a trip to the “scary” dentist!
Madelyn in the dentist’s chair.
At four years old, Madelyn has to have some work done at the dentist. It was a long journey just to find a dentist who didn’t recommend putting her to sleep or giving her drugs… or strapping her down.
I took her in today and boy was she nervous and it showed. The dentist was so awesome with her though… and after the exam said… “Ok, let’s get on with this, we will do it today.”
Me: “TODAY?!”
Dentist: “Yep, today.”
Me: Well she hasn’t had breakfast – she didn’t want to eat this morning.. and she sure won’t want to eat afterward. (Then I was thinking, ok, I’m making up an excuse!)
Dentist: “She will be OK and believe me she will eat…”
Me: “Aren’t you going to recommend she get put to sleep at the hospital with how nervous she is…”
Then he said… “Mom, I am more nervous for parents… you have to have faith in her. She will be OK. And you will get to stay back here with her and hold her hand… if all goes well you get to stay the whole time with her.”
So it was go time.
I could tell my baby was nervous – as her eyes welded with tears getting back into the chair.
I held her hand the whole time and immediately she was pretty calm after about 5 seconds. He numbed her up using the shot… the shot we would all get! And the procedure was carried through to the end.
It was half way through I realized she wasn’t the one squeezing my hand… I was squeezing HERS!! lol
It amazes me how strong and courageous children are.
I will say this… I ALWAYS do what I know has to be done as their mother… even when I know it’s scary on their end and their nerves take over… no matter what- I am there to hold their hand and reinforce, “it’s going to be ok. Mommy is right here and even more importantly Jesus is taking care of you…”
My advice to all Moms with fears of… well.. it’s “letting go, and letting God” really.
Give your children the opportunities to FACE THEIR FEARS and come out on the other end ALIVE! It’s a beautiful thing – and to see them celebrate at the end and want to tell EVERYONE the story afterward… is such a great feeling as a parent.
At the end of the day – it’s our job as parents… God entrusted us with these little humans to raise them up to become outstanding, successful adults…
Now, Madelyn opens her mouth wide and shows everyone her new “princess crown.” And then she says, “and the Dentist has a RUSH RASH!!” (Mustache!) lol
Here’s to parenting — even during the difficult times we are forced to LET GO and trust that God has them wrapped in His loving arms all of the time. Arms that are even stronger than our own.